Only a little while ago when I was living in Tokyo. The pic is in Yokohama.
I, 28m, confess that aged 16 i got caught and arrested for stealing womens dessous. My parents almost died from shame, i wonder what would have happend if i'd told them those were for me instead of my Girlfriend. ?
I confess that I still dream about m ex-boyfriend.
hello yours I say it frankly. I am looking for a non-alcoholic male. I won't spoil my life with alcoholic, like my mom, I don't make any compromises on that. Other than that I'm fun, 30years old If you can be my knight in shining Shirt(haha), just contact me right away.
My biggest secret I'm poor I'm form the Gutter
We went for a walk in the mountains. There was a lonely cow there, I wanted to feed her, suddenly she started running in our direction, I almost wet my pants.
I am a very simple young girl, I like collaborating with wise men who can satisfy a woman. I love going for walks. You can leave me a message if you are interested in me.
I’m 19 and never tried anything before, I would love to have an experience
So i just got a new shotgun and we’ll I took it out for the 3erd time and it’s sawed off my brother who has an AR was Excited to use it in that process while we our shooting me trying out the new AR and well him trying out the new 12 Gauge so after us trying out our weapons he hands me my shot gun and I put it barrel down in between my legs with literally one round of buck shot in it and well u can only imagine what happened there but lucky well if u guess it yes it went off point at my left heel so long story short the one of the bullets grazed my heel only enough to gash it a little bit and we’ll u guys are the only people who know still haven’t touched a gun since then
I'm still stalking a former boyfriend after 5 years
Whenever I see a pack of toilet paper, I pierce the foil in the middle of the packaging
After the swim, I noticed that the OB's ribbon was visible the whole time.
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