I wash my plastic bags with soap after every purchase
Hi :-)
I love screwing up a movie for other people and I tell how the movie ends at the box office when some is behind me
I admit that I always let my dog poop in the neighbors bushes in order not to have to collect any of it
6.3 feet tall Looking for fun if you are looking for fun and hook up let me know ok
I_f_18 admit to a very strict and sheltered upbringing with next to no social involvement
I f/28 admit that i have had some bizarre encounters in the past, and i'd really love to find a "normal" relationship
I’m just bored and my bf probs cheating on me
Touch me... but don't hold me. Make me safe... but don't lock me up. Talk to me... but don't shut me up. Tell me what you want...but don't force me to do anything. Make me breathless... but don't suffocate me. Let me come to you voluntarily...because deep feelings only grow in freedom. Set me free...so that I may freely and willingly give you anything...that you don't have to hold.
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I f22 admit I'm really worried about my dad right now, he's always on the go and I think he's cheating, should I talk to him?
Are my thighs thick enough for you?
i enjoy saying "Sin miedo al exito". Which translates to "Without fearing excitement". 22 yr old here. Looking for a little fun, sometime to go out on walks or just spend quality time. all innocent outdoor but behind closed doors, is where the mystery lies.
My secret is that I hate shaving because I love hairy stuff.
I just lost my wife in an accident, I was driving... a drunk hit us... I wish I’d died too
How’s it going, new here. Not really sure what for but I like to smoke and chill. Go out to eat so let’s do something.
Fast cars are what I work on. Fast cars is what I play in.
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