I secretly smoke joints and drive a car.
Cuddle Buddy Please???
I secretly read the messages on my boyfriend's cell phone.
I met my boss in a sauna... In a mixed sauna... I'm a woman.
Do you like very spicy food? A lot of sushi with a good portion of wasabi? Chili with so many peppers in it that your nose runs? It's always an experience for me. I can't live on just schnitzel and fries. I'm 23 years old and I'm looking for someone with whom I can travel the culinary world. Incidentally, Spicy makes “Hot”.
I F/28 admit i have problems telling a lover what i really want, i just take what i get
I admit to partying all the time and drinking way to much, which is why i cannot hold a job
I made coffee for my visit and forgot to put the water in the machine, after half an hour I was asked, I noticed
I once didn't take a shower for two days
Hmu to hang and shit I’m respectful unless u don’t want me to be if u into that i guess lol very affectionate hml if u wanna get treated like a princess🙄
I f/29 admit i cannot eat on a date, always afraid of looking like a chewing cow
whether barefoot, in heels or trekking boots. Sometimes romantic, sensual - sometimes hip and casual - sometimes with feminine elegance. a small lady, completely independent, sensitive, carefree, clever with charm, flair and depth, looking forward to demanding men with class, heart and humor. ( surprise me...)😇
I was watering the flowers in the garden with the hose and didn't notice that the visitors were already there, I turned around and everyone was wet
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