Beichte von Rafa.guerreiro
Sometimes i say to my friends and familie that i'm going for a ride just so that i can have some time for myself

Sometimes i say to my friends and familie that i'm going for a ride just so that i can have some time for myself
Nothing wrong with that,sometimes u need a break & some "me" time to yourself.
vor 2023-01-14T09:16:02+01:00
you know, there's nothing wrong with that, sometimes we need to be alone?
vor 2022-11-19T06:20:45+01:00
I understand you, there is no harm in being alone sometimes
vor 2022-11-19T09:52:44+01:00
vor 2022-11-19T14:21:45+01:00
I think you are not the only one, because everyone needs to be alone sometimes.
vor 2022-11-18T09:16:48+01:00
Chilling alone is something I enjoy a lot, there is norestrictions when I am alone so I like it. ?
vor 2022-11-17T17:36:48+01:00
I also do the same as you when I really need it.
vor 2022-11-17T15:39:30+01:00
I also do the same as you when I really need it.
vor 2022-11-17T15:40:03+01:00
How did you feel when you were alone? Sometimes we need to take some time for ourselves.
vor 2022-11-17T15:59:44+01:00
We all dream of hitting the road and heading off in an unknown direction.?
vor 2022-11-17T16:27:38+01:00