Beichte von Roman.Ticker
I'm 19 years old and I confess that I use my labrador to meet chicks, it works everytime
Roman.Ticker (19 )
I'm 19 years old and I confess that I use my labrador to meet chicks, it works everytime
This is the plan that always works. Old man's technique.
vor 2023-04-12T22:39:42+02:00
The good old-fashioned method.
vor 2023-01-12T19:03:56+01:00
It works every time.😅
vor 2023-01-11T21:07:25+01:00
This tactic works most of the time
vor 2022-12-01T23:02:54+01:00
Wanna see the dog first ?
vor 2022-08-16T01:06:40+02:00
i'd take the dog home, but not you
vor 2022-06-01T12:03:14+02:00
Hahahah, that was good
vor 2022-12-01T23:02:30+01:00