Who would like to fuck
vor 2022-12-24T15:12:27+01:00
I put peanuts in my ex-boyfriend's food even though he has a peanut allergy
Two Clever people can't fall in love, True love needs one Idiot, that's me
Lets have fun!! Not looking for anything serious but am open to it!
Do any thing for happiness enjoying life better, and taking all the vibes in world that's why I'm here, so cheer up and welcome me in your community ❤❤
I, f18 admit, my everyday underwear is old and full of holes
I'm.from guyana. Just looking for friends to chat with
I 22/f have to admit i often overreact when older people say things like "you will see at my age". It just annoys the crap out of me
I admit that i have a ton of fun when my Boyfriend tries to help in the kitchen and litteraly burns the boiling water. He gets all anoyed which amuses me, which makes him angry and so on. Should he visit cooking school, or should i continue having fun with it?
I am afraid of talking to women
I’m very hungry right now. Guess what I want to eat!
I'm afraid to open the dumpster as I imagine someone might be sitting inside
Most of the time, I'm just bored and frustrated
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Who would like to fuck
vor 2022-12-24T15:12:27+01:00