I'll try anything once, twice if I like it If you ever feel lonely, dim the lights and put on a good horror movie after a while you won't feel alone anymore. 😉
I, 22, very sporty and active, am looking for a man who suits me. I run a few kilometers every day, but you don't necessarily have to come with me all the time. I run a marathon at least once a year and one of my biggest dreams is to run in Boston. If you don't just sit on the sofa and like to move, then just get in touch with me.
19 6’4 hum for anything you want literally anything will prolly be active if i find someone on this app Tell me your views about the photo and yes the only hobby is hitting the gym and chasing the pump Let me chase you want hahahah
"As beautiful on the inside as I am on the outside."
Just felt good in the moment shows you can make yourself look good but do you actually feel good
I once wore my girlfriend's bra and panties, it felt nice and I loved it
When I'm very nervous, I secretly bite my toenails.
Go by the name of kyree ion do relations Hook ups only
Two Clever people can't fall in love, True love needs one Idiot, that's me
I f/20 admit that i have to workout a lot for my fitness, health, and tight body
I want to feel what it is like to be a women
Don’t b shy to say hi back from nyc in Orlando for some time
When my cousin comes to visit I purposely spit in her glass as I don't like her
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