Beichte von Majinbuu
Sometimes i steal , money , chocolate , clothes , anything that has value and i put my hand on Not because i want to do it or i have too but because i feel good doing it and because i can do it so i challenge myself to do it everytime im outside

Very good
vor 2023-06-22T09:31:06+02:00
Are you sure
vor 2023-06-22T09:31:50+02:00
vor 2023-01-24T21:00:36+01:00
ur my spirit animal cus same
vor 2023-01-04T11:08:24+01:00
It's who wants the hand of God. You've never been seen doing it?
vor 2023-01-03T09:21:14+01:00
No never im just good at it
vor 2023-01-03T18:31:36+01:00