Big doggy!,bet u feel safe when your'e out walking your dog,lol 🤣🤣
vor 2023-01-18T21:47:09+01:00
Hi iam just looking for a fwb at the moment really not trying to get into a relationship bc iam will be moved to Florida in a month
when a man makes Money, he feel like he wants more women but when a woman makes money she feels like she doesn't need a man.
Hello I'm new here and want to know how this site works please
I 27/F. confess i still have my childhood toys and cherish them
Does anyone follow through here?? I love the posts. Some are incredible and exciting. Hopefully to make friends and a few fun times. Keep sharing. I have lots to share here!
Just an easy going guy, who loves everything about the outdoors lifestyle, especially the beach.. if it can be done, likely chance I've been there done that... Looking to continue enjoying life ans everything it has to offer, just need a trusty companion.
Sometimes i steal , money , chocolate , clothes , anything that has value and i put my hand on Not because i want to do it or i have too but because i feel good doing it and because i can do it so i challenge myself to do it everytime im outside
Basically, i am an Aries.. so if u believe in zodiacs You know what kind of a female i am.... And yess i am a 90%of what pinterest tells about.. Meet a lady devil..yess that's me🤘🤘
I am 20, as a girl i confess i have often tricked men to get my way
I work in a gym. After work I go into the women's changing room and lick the benches with relish.
Hey ...
I f25 confess I killed the lawn at my ex's house with chlorine for revenge
Hey, looking for men with experience. Have had the fantasy of being in affair for a long time, maybe I have the opportunity to become one here
Im looking for freindship then love I want somone loyal honest respectful of my boundries who loves me for who I am and wants a serious relationship
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Big doggy!,bet u feel safe when your'e out walking your dog,lol 🤣🤣
vor 2023-01-18T21:47:09+01:00