
Kimoi_paisen 24 J

In this era The era of young souls Searching for love, affection, cultivated with greed and jealousy... How much of honesty can u get??

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I am blinded by fate I don't need no ray ... To loose myself To find my way....



Basically, i am an Aries.. so if u believe in zodiacs You know what kind of a female i am.... And yess i am a 90%of what pinterest tells about.. Meet a lady devil..yess that's me🤘🤘



I guess i would prefer a person who is subtle, for others but kinda messy with me...



So i once had a chat with a guy, he was good like really amazing, not in a nasty way though, he had such elegance and gentleman like nature... I wanna talk to him again but i lost his account...🥺🥺... I guess he would find me himself



In the admist of my feelings and desires Let my passionate self take over... And clear all the forces that bring me beneath the layers of despair And let me breath.... Up high, proud and fearless Under this moon lit sky... Where the shadows are calling me... Where i always was ment to be .. Where it's him Standing.... Waiting... Casting a heavenly silhouette of a Greek god.... ~tj



If every person has a story, and a title, what would mine be called?



The color red that once belonged to the devil, now the messenger of love around the World.....



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started at a new company and asked a really nice colleague about the boss. In reality, the boss himself was standing in front of me.



I never thought of choking, hair pulling, spanking, or other things like that as a kink. I just assumed everybody liked that shit and assumed my only kink was being an exhibitionist



I have a a wierd vice I don’t know where I got it from but I’m in a relationship of 2 years sexy female girl I’m madly in love with her but I still find my self watching porn when alone but the thing is my fetish is transgender porn I love that shit am I wierd or nah I still fuck my girl good to but yeah 😂😂



I buy breakfast on my way into work sometimes, I give my home fries to a coworker regularly. One morning I "spilled" some of my jizz all over them and then got a thank you text from her.



I have hand fetish, i love hands(long nails prefered). I would rather have a handjob and blowjob than pussy.



It was a cold night. That night i was with my cousin, after the party. i was going to drop her... but the sudden rain made a change of plan.. and then she started to have a different plan in mind. the plan was was wide and insane made both of our mind melt.. even the cold night felt like a hot day...



Couple years ago, at the age of 20 while I was active duty in the military a buddy of mine brought a 35yr old milf to a barracks party, introduced her to everyone. Day after the party I ran into her and she confessed that nothing happened between them so I made my move. I met her parents, her 14 yr old son. Then ate her pussy until she came in my mouth then fucked her until she was screaming. Still kinda feel bad for my old roommate...



When I was 15 my parents were really overprotective and still got someone to babysit me, little did they know everytime she was over we would fuck all day. Her family moved away after she got pregnant. Never saw her again but found out through social media she miscarried shortly after moving away



Id secretly sniff the pants of my girlfriends sister who's older than her



Hey um i got a thing for thighs but it can start me from 0-100 in 0.01s like if i see boobs or pussy i will slowly gain the speed (horny status) but once i will see fish nets or long socks i am crazy. Do someone else have this ?



I am blinded by fate I don't need no ray ... To loose myself To find my way....



Basically, i am an Aries.. so if u believe in zodiacs You know what kind of a female i am.... And yess i am a 90%of what pinterest tells about.. Meet a lady devil..yess that's me🤘🤘



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