
LucasVertullo 20 J

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I’m very hungry right now. Guess what I want to eat!



My Gosh a man who shows you whos boss in the room when you first enter how he puts you against the wall runs his hands all over your body while grabbing it so tight from one spot to another and kisses your neck up to your lips with his hands on your titties to go around down your back and grabs that fucking ass for dear life and carries you to throw you on the bed and rips all your fucking clothes off to fuck you so hard your screaming for dear fucking life but shows no mercy bc daddys good little cum slut takes daddys dick deep in this wet dripping juicy pussy for daddy as you watch him fuck you shoving that dick deep inside while grabbing your neck choking you and slapping you around pain brings pleasure daddys harder please daddy please ................



I overhear my neighbor talking on the phone



I (f/24) admit that I made out with my best friend (f/25) one time in highschool. After that she said, that she definitely has no attraction to women but I am bisexual now. Thanks Grace



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